Drinking Water Resources


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a great resource for all things environmental, from drinking water, water bodies, wastewater and water treatment to preventing water pollution.  The EPA established the Clean Water Act in 1972 that set forth contaminant standards required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).

Drinking Water Contaminants - Standards and Regulations

Each year by July 1st you should receive notification that our Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), also known as an annual drinking water quality report from your water supplier. Harwich Water Department provides the URL or website link on April water bills each year.  Your CCR tells you where your water comes from and what's in it.

Annual Consumer Confidence Report 


The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Drinking Water Program makes sure that water that comes in to your home from public water suppliers is safe to drink.  This begins with guidelines and design considerations to surface and groundwater supply and development.  Once established, a public water supplier must adhere to all Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations as per 310 CMR 22. 

MassDEP Drinking Water Program

310 CMR 22: The Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations

Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines